Fishing Day..

Hi everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! Seems like every weekend flashes by so quick. I usually don't post on the weekends nor do I hardly post much lately. I told myself with this pregnancy I will dress better, eat better, and record my weekly bump. But honestly with this pregnancy right now I can hardly ever have the energy or motivation to get up and get dressed nor can I fit into anything! Plus dealing with a toddler yeah that's not happening. Besides I think it's kind of silly to go out and buy maternity clothes at 33 weeks (33 weeks?!) when I won't be wearing it for long after. So anyway, today's post isn't about fashion obviously. While I do love fashion and post about it more often I also want to share a bit about my life. After all, my blog is called The Love of Mary and it's basically about all things I love whether it's fashion, beauty, or anything I want to share about like my family. This photo was taking about a week ago on my Instagram and I thought I would also share it to my blog since I want to be able to post more of my life as well. If you know me you know I'm not much of an outdoorsy gal. Since living in Nevada and visiting Lake Tahoe one time back in September (by the way it's one of my favorite place to visit) I found out that I love being outdoor and being in nature as much as I can. Now that we live in VA one of my husband's favorite hobby is to fish. He was so excited to be able to find a few lakes to go fishing on his free time. I also tagged along to watch him fish and I took this photo of him and my daughter, Adrianna who is two years old. She loves to get involved in almost everything she can. I adore this photo because it shows how she loves to be like her daddy and a dare devil at that. So anyway, this is a little recap from our fishing day last week. How did you spend your weekend? Thank you for following along with me.

xo, Mary


  1. Congratulations for your pregnancy, I am sorry for you feelings, but enjoy it as much you can! I think it's fine to go and buy some new clothes even now ^^

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and have a nice day~

  2. So cute!!!

  3. I love going fishing, this post is so fun to read, thanks for sharing:) Do you want to support each others blog by following each other? Please let me know so I can follow you right back:)


  4. You sound like you had such a fun weekend! I just hung out by the pool enjoying the nice weather for most of the weekend!


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