Mumberry Collaboration

Top: Mumberry | Bottoms: Target | Shoes: Nike | Hat: Windsor | Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Today's post is a collaboration with Mumberry maternity top. At this point it is all about comfort and it's definitely easier said than done. I don't think this baby can get anymore room than this. I have been feeling kicking and jabbing non-stop. I think anytime now and he will soon make his debut. I can not be anymore excited and nervous at the same time. My family and I also visited one of our favorite park in Virginia. We wanted to spend as much as we can with our first born and as a family of three before an addition welcome to our lives. I love the last photo of Adrianna who is just having a moment of her life. This was our first time flying a kite and the perfect place to do it was at Mt. Trashmore in Virginia Beach because the hill was high enough and it was the most perfect day with the right amount of wind to blow our kites. There were also quite a few people who also flew their kites that day. I loved that there's a big kid's park, a walking trail for any runners/joggers and you can do a picnic on the top of the hill. What are some of things you do with your family for fun? I'd love to know! Thank you so much for stopping by and have a great week!

xo, Mary
